Sunday, June 30, 2019

10 Tips For Better Sleep

Tips to sleep
In today's busy world, maintaining a good sleep is very important.

People in the age group of 18 to 25 suffer from disturbance in sleep due to stress, study load and physiological changes.

A good sleep promotes enthusiasm, good performance and good amount of energy in it.

So, if you are suffering from sleep here 10 tips will help you to gain quality sleep.

A quality if sleep depend on many factors.

Ten tips for better sleep, 

  1. Sleep scheduled maintain
  2. Making your room set to sleep
  3. Try reading before sleeping 
  4. Avoid caffeine before going to sleep
  5. Keep away work that resist sleep
  6. Try meditation and yoga 
  7. Do exercise to get physically tired for sleep
  8. Don't get nap in evening if it is hurting your night sleep 
  9. Try listening calm or any music that you love 
  10. Make a diary for assessing your sleep 

Maintain Sleep Scheduled 

A normal person sleep for 7 to 8 houres at night. A good sleep scheduled can be going to sleep at now 10 o'clock to 7 o'clock.

This time scheduled will maintain your mind and body prepared for sleep. 

Since, your body and mind both should be ready for quality sleep.

Making your room set to sleep 

First thing is cleanliness, clean your room and make your bed free from dust. 

Take a one or two pillows and dim your light. You can switched it off.

You can try to sit relaxed and think some happy things that makes you happy. 

It will reduce your general tension and body and mind get relaxed.

If a room is untidy or improperly arranged it makes uncomfortable and irritable for sleep.

Try Reading Before Sleeping 

Reading before going to sleep enhance concentration, attention and make you centrally focus.

Reading in some kind of brings sedation. Get some sort of books that you enjoy reading so you feel free and relaxed before sleeping. 

Avoid Caffeine Before Going to Sleep 

Since caffeine gives your body instant energy and caffeine is never good before sleep.

Keep Away work that resist sleep 

Since if our mind and focus is on work still we are on bed than sleep wont comes.

Keep away all the work when your sleep time get starts. If you work aside than you feel relaxed and less tense.

Try Meditation & Yoga 

If you have problem of though irritation, over thinking or some higher energy in you try to do meditation and yoga. 

Since both the technique make you internally calm and relaxed. 

Do exercises to get physically tired for sleep

Most of the people work throughout a day but don't perform any physical work.

So try to do exercises at least 30 minutes but before 3 to 4 houres to sleep. 

Exercise stimulates body muscles and open up blood vessels to reach blood to all body tissues and cells. 

Don't get nap in noon

A nap in evening can reduces the natural hunger of sleep. So don't sleep in noon and get ready to sleep at night on time.

Try Listening to music you love 

A music that makes you happy help you to become relax and sedate to sleep.

Make a diary for assessing your sleep

If you are suffering from the serious night sleep problem.

A daily diary will helps to find problems and finding solution against disturbance of sleep. 

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List of the Systems in the Human Body

In a body, there are 11 system in working in co-ordinated manner.

Every system has its own work ex. Cardiovascular system has function of pumping the blood to all body.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

How to Improve Heart Health | Heart Care

Heart is an important organ in the human body.

Today's post is totally for people, who want to make their heart healthier for life.

Friday, June 21, 2019

What is Thalassemia | Major Thalassemia | Alpha Thalassemia

Thalassemia is the blood disorder.

Thalassemia is defined as decrease production of hemoglobin result in hypoxia to tissues and cells. 

Features of Thalassemia 

  • It is a genetic disorder 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Anemia Disease | Anemias Types | Meaning

Anemia is a blood disorder, causing reduction in the amount of blood oxygen level. In Anemia disease, the production of hemoglobin is reduced or faulty hemoglobin is produced. It indirectly impacts the oxygen level result in anemia.

As the years ahead, diagnosis of many anemia cases were found. Anemia is categorised based on the type of cause, the anemia had. Ex. Anemia causes by blood loss is blood loss anemia, anemia due to hemolysis of cell is called hemolytic anemia.

Anemia Disease is a blood disease.

Anemia meaning is specifically explained as, Inability of blood to carry enough amount of oxygen.

Anemia is directly the result of oxygen deficiency in rbc.


There are many types of anemia, more than hundread types were detected.

Parts of Blood | Blood Components

Blood, is very essential fluid of the body. There are five litres of blood flows in human body approx. Blood cannot be created so, it has its own limitation.

There are two parts of blood cells, plasma and blood corpuscles. Every person has different blood group, there is restriction over blood transfusion in different people. Ex. A person with o blood group can give blood to any other person but only receive from the o blood for himself.

Blood contains antigen and antibody, by which basis various blood groups were formed. 

Blood has also contain hb, oxygen, nutritive element, hormones, proteins and many more element. This were flows with blood to reach to its destination. 

Blood flows from arteries and veins of duct like structure. Blood has been pumped by blood with pressure of flow of approx. 180/90 mmhg. 

In this post, you will know parts of blood.

Now, we will see, parts of blood

Plasma and blood cell are two important parts of blood. 

© Get Better Health Blog
Maira Gall