Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Parts of Blood | Blood Components

Blood, is very essential fluid of the body. There are five litres of blood flows in human body approx. Blood cannot be created so, it has its own limitation.

There are two parts of blood cells, plasma and blood corpuscles. Every person has different blood group, there is restriction over blood transfusion in different people. Ex. A person with o blood group can give blood to any other person but only receive from the o blood for himself.

Blood contains antigen and antibody, by which basis various blood groups were formed. 

Blood has also contain hb, oxygen, nutritive element, hormones, proteins and many more element. This were flows with blood to reach to its destination. 

Blood flows from arteries and veins of duct like structure. Blood has been pumped by blood with pressure of flow of approx. 180/90 mmhg. 

In this post, you will know parts of blood.

Now, we will see, parts of blood

Plasma and blood cell are two important parts of blood. 


The blood present in arteries are much bright red than in veins. The oxygen level in the blood os responsible for bright red color.

Blood constituite about 7 to 8% of total body weight.

Major functions of blood are, 

  • Transportation of nutrients, hormones, oxygen 
  • Maintainence of Temperature

Some Important Feature of Blood 

  1. A human being on an average have 5 litres of blood 
  2. Ph value of blood - 7.3 to 7.4 (Acidic in nature) 


  1. Plasma 
  2. Blood Corpuscle ( RBC, WBC, Platelet)


Plasma is just like watery fluid. The parts of plasma are explained below however there is 92% water and only 2% solute. 

Plasma consist of proteins, electrolyte, nutrients, waste products, hormone and gases. 

Proteins -- are responsible for osmotic pressure formation in blood which keepa blood in vessels. 

Proteins are bigger in size.

ex. Albumin and fibrinogen 

Electrolytes maintain acid-base balance in the body. 

Nutrients are of glucose, amino acid, glycerol etc.

Waste products are urea, uric acid, creatinine. They are transferred through blood to kidney. 

Hormones are directly enter the blood and reach ita destination.

Gases are of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen etc transport through blood.

Blood Cells 


There are 3 types of blood cells, which were formed in the red bone marrow. The formation of blood cell is called as haemopoiesis.

Since, WBC, RBC & Platelets are perform critical tasks. 

Wbc are immunity cells, they act when infection is destroying health. WBC have multiple type of cell for infectious category. They generally act by envading them and eliminating them from the body.

RBC are the oxygen and hemoglobin carrier. They carry the hemoglobin in it, which after oxygenation become oxygenated blood. RBC main function is to transport the oxygen to all body tissues and cells.

Three Types of Blood Cells

  1. Red blood cells (Erthrocyte) 
  2. White blood cells (Leukocytes)
  3. Platelets (Thrombocytes)

Above three of blood cells contribute to major part of blood

Above blood cells are explained below, 

Red Blood Cell 

Red blood cell are called as erythrocyte. 

The total rbc count is approximately 30 trillion. Rbc live for 120 days. Shape os biconcave suitable for gas exchange. 

Rbc function is to transport oxygen in blood through hemoglobin. 

The biconcave area increases the area for gas exchange.

Rbc site od destruction is spleen, bone marrow and liver. 

White Blood Cell

White blood cell also called leukocytes. 

Types of white blood cells__

  1. Granulocytes (neutrophils, eoainophils, basophils)
  2. Agranulocytes (monocytes, lymphocytes)

Wbc constitute only 1% of total blood volume. 


Granulocytes have multilobed nucleus. It also called as polymorphonuclear leukocytes. 


Neutrophils are active attacker on foreign bodies. 

They get joined in huge amount at injured area, engulfed the damaged cells and removed out through phagocytosis. 


Eosinophilas accumulation occur in allergic or inflammatory areas. 


Basophils stimulate inflammation or inflammatory process. 

Heparin and histamine are present in the basophils. 

During the working phase of the basophil a person may suffer from high fever.


Agranulocytes has two cells monocytes and lymphocytes. 

Cells of monocyte and lymphocyte not contain granules.


Monocytes is larger in quantity than any other cell.

Monocytes are present in outside blood in tissues. 

Its primary function is identified threat and attack as early as possible. 


Lymphocytes present in spleen, liver and lymphatic tissues. 

Lymphocytes work through t-lymphocyte and b-lymphocyte.

Lymphocytes work as a weapon of immune system.


Platelet is called as thrombocyte. Thrombocyte works as clotting agent. The blood platelets get accumulated over injury and start the wound healing process.

Since, if your wound/injury is not getting heal than it may a sign of thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia is an condition in which platelet count in blood is reduced. 

Some features of platelet

  1. Total platelet count is 2-3lakh per cubic milimetere 
  2. Platelet perform the clotting function
  3. Platelets live for 8 to 10 days 

Platelet activate when body have injury , it ceases the area, blood coagulation take place and blood loss is prevented. 

This way the blood is made up of three blood corpuscles and plasma fluid. This post we only discuss about the content of the blood, explore this website for more related and in depth concepts...

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