Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Anemia Disease | Anemias Types | Meaning

Anemia is a blood disorder, causing reduction in the amount of blood oxygen level. In Anemia disease, the production of hemoglobin is reduced or faulty hemoglobin is produced. It indirectly impacts the oxygen level result in anemia.

As the years ahead, diagnosis of many anemia cases were found. Anemia is categorised based on the type of cause, the anemia had. Ex. Anemia causes by blood loss is blood loss anemia, anemia due to hemolysis of cell is called hemolytic anemia.

Anemia Disease is a blood disease.

Anemia meaning is specifically explained as, Inability of blood to carry enough amount of oxygen.

Anemia is directly the result of oxygen deficiency in rbc.


There are many types of anemia, more than hundread types were detected.

Anemia classification as per the root cause of blood abnormalities.

Anemias Types

  1. Iron deficiency anemia 
  2. Sickle cell anemia 
  3. Blood loss anemia
  4. Aplastic anemia
  5. Vitamin deficiency anemia 
  6. Pernicious anemia 
  7. Hemolytic anemia 
  8. Vitamin b12 deficiency anemia 

Now, List Of Causes Of Anemia 

   1. Loss of blood

Blood loss anemia is most typical cause for anemia. Anemia develops when normal developed blood cell get loss by bleeding.

Blood loss is caused as,
  1. Bleeding in pregnancy
  2. Major injuries during trauma or accidents
  3. Damage of blood vessels 
  4. Menstrual bleeding 

Blood loss reduced the number of rbc which in turn reduce the total oxygen carrying capacity of the body. 

A small bleed does not affect anemia. However, small but continuous and long term bleed affect the physiology. 

   2. Abnormal red blood cell production

The newly produced rbc are much important to grasp oxygen in it. If either of production or faulty production of rbc take place. The oxygen quantity get reduced.

The faulty rbc, are arise in wrong shape and size with this rbc oxygen is not able to mixed with the red blood cell.

Bone marrow is responsible for the production of red blood cells. 

Bone marrow produces structurally abnormal red blood cells in case of bone marrow disease and stem cells abnormality. 

Formed Red blood cells are different from normal as shape and size. 

   3. Hemolysis of Blood 

Hemolysis means, the blood cells are getting broken and excreted very frequently. The body does hemolysis in case of infection, immune system disorder.

Breakdown of rbc ultimately result in the less rbc production. The huge rbc size decreased the normal oxygen supply to body. 

The anemia that arise because of hemolysis is refered as hemolytic anemia.

   4. Anemia in pregnancy 

In pregnancy, the female gone through multiple bleeding and injury. This all impacts in decreasing the blood volume. 

Some disease condition like postpartum hemorrhage, lochia, placenta previa causes high bleed loss.

So, above are the most frequent amd common causes for anemia.

Other causes for anemia,

  1. Low iron and vitamin diet 
  2. Chronic disease
  3. Low body weight 
  4. Intestinal problem 

What is Anemic Symptoms ?

The anemic person look a thin body structure with weakness and suffering from lack of energy. 

Generally, female suffer from headache, weakness, irritation and low hemoglobin level.

Anemia symptoms for Minor cases

  • Headache 
  • Fainting 
  • Lack of enegy 

Medium anemia symptoms

  • Paleness of skin 
  • Dehydration 
  • Breathlessness 

Severe anemia 

  • Chest pain 
  • Low hemoglobin level
  • Malnourishment 

How anemia cure?

Anemic treatment focus on treating underlying cause and improves diet. 

Every patient need specific individual treatment. 

Below are some line of treatment that are suitable for various Anemic patients, 

  1. Blood transfusion 
  2. Dietary supplement
  3. Iron and folic acid tablet 
  4. Vitamin dose 

Above treatment is helpful in improving blood quantity and quality. 

Other treatment are medicines for infection such as antibiotic drug, nsaid medication and immunosuppressant drug etc.

Can anemia cure at home

Anemia cam be treat at home but it should be its early stage. 

A person should take adequate rest, diet and excercise to be healthy. Since, increase in good blood quality takes time. Anemia with good diet in long term gets cure at home.

There are other anemia types which need physician supervision and medicines to cure.

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Maira Gall