In a body, there are 11 system in working in co-ordinated manner.
Every system has its own work ex. Cardiovascular system has function of pumping the blood to all body.
Every system has its own work ex. Cardiovascular system has function of pumping the blood to all body.
However, each system is important. All the systems of the body are independent but interconnected.
1) Circulatory system
2) Digestive system
3) Endocrine system
4) Integumentary system
5) Lymphatic system
6) Muscular system
7) Nervous system
8) Excretory system
9) Reproductive system
10) Respiratory system
11) Skeletal system
Circulatory system
Circulatory system is consist of heart, blood which work co-ordinately to carry out function.
The major function of circulatory system is to maintain the circulation of blood throughout the body.
The major function of circulatory system is to maintain the circulation of blood throughout the body.
Digestive system
Digestive system consist of mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestinal areas.
The main function is digestion, absorption, elimination of food. It starts from the mouth and end with anus.
The main function is digestion, absorption, elimination of food. It starts from the mouth and end with anus.
Endocrine system
Endocrine system concern with production of the hormone.
Endocrine system produces hormone through endocrine glands, such as pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland etc.
Endocrine system concern with production of the hormone.
Endocrine system produces hormone through endocrine glands, such as pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland etc.
Integumentary system
The integumentary system is consisting of skin and outer layer of the body.
The main functions of integumentary system are, maintaining normal temperature, maintaining hydration and prevention of skin from infection.
It works with the hair in over body and internal skin layers.
Lymphatic system
Lymphatic system is similar to circulatory system. A difference is, lymphatic system is open system and carry lymph fluid. As it is not closed system, it carries continuous inner and outer flow in vessels to maintain viscosity in blood vessels.
Lymphatic system maintains the fluid in the interstitial spaces of cells.
Muscular system
Muscular system control and manage all the muscle activity of the body.
Nervous system
Nervous system is mainly categorized in three headings as CNS, ANS and PNS. Brain and spinal cord are two important organs of nervous system. Nervous system co-ordinates various neurons in the body.
Excretory system
This system consists of kidney, ureter, bladder and anus. It deals with the formation of urine and excretion of fecal material.
Reproductive system
Reproductive system is of male reproductive system and female reproductive system. These systems are responsible for producing offspring (children).
Respiratory system
The main function of respiratory system is to inhale oxygen and exhale the carbon dioxide through nose. The mixing of oxygen in blood is done by respiratory system through lungs.
Skeletal system
Skeletal system related with the bony structure form all over the body. It deals with changes of skeletal structure with time and physiological changes.
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